26 March 2009

I saw you at the aeroport, you were good

An all night packing frenzy, with only a short nap, followed by resumed packing leads me to McCarran Airport for the final time this decade. The remainders of my belongings are still strewn about the cave. The current plan doesn't take me back to Las Vegas until June 2011. So I'm off, or will be in a few hours, to Philadelphia-- where I hear it's always sunny. There will be a short training in the former capitol before taking off Saturday from JFK for lands beyond our shores.


karen said...

The black cat is heavier & your beard seems lighter. What do HTML tags mean? L-MKaren

karen said...

Dad mailed some stuff & Regan will deposit tomorrow.
She had forgotten. Think mail was Sat. You need to post more. Several have the site. L-M Karen